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Dashboard Pre-Event Set Up - Web
Please note that the next section of the Live Event Checklist requires an ADMIN account in the Tribe Social Dashboard to complete. It is important to ensure that only an authorized user with admin privileges carries out this task. Admin accounts have access to sensitive information and can perform critical actions that impact the entire platform. Therefore, it is essential to ensure that the admin account follows the correct steps to create a collection, add content, and create ads. These steps are crucial to ensure that the live event runs smoothly and that users are directed to the right content. So, please make sure that you have the necessary permissions before proceeding with the next section.
Create Collection
- Add title (Name)
- Confirm Slug - best to keep it short + relevant (you will need this later!
- Add/Change author
- Check Show on home page
- Choose a position number. This should be relative to where you want it to appear on the homepage. In this case, we wanted it at the top and had other collections to bring it above.
Create Content
- Add title
- Set publish date + time
- Set end date + time
- Add featured image
- Select Content Type
- Paste the YouTube link you created here
- Click enable live chat
- Set visibility to public
- Add/change author
- Add to the collection you set up in the previous step
Following those two steps (Collection + Content Creation) you will have created the public web share link like this: https://100x.wisdom.ly/Conference-Preview/3380
Note that the “Conference Preview” is the collection name you set up!
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