Version 0.6

Full name
Oct 26, 2020
2 min read

New Features

New: Hero Welcome Section on HomePage

We heard from a few clients that the homepage felt "cold" and uninviting. We added a new "hero" section that allows you to set a welcome message and a large background image to quick invite people to start watching.

New: You can Manage Platform Settings

Previously, only our internal support team could manage platform wide settings. Now we've added functionality for Admins to manage their own platform settings.

  • Site Logo
  • Analytics Code
  • Hero Background image
  • Site Title / Description

New: Add a Background Image Behind Content

Now you can add an image to be placed as a background for a collection. Images are uploaded and set at the collection level for all content in that collection.

New: Ads can use Images or an Embed Code (BETA)

Now you can embed widgets under your videos using the new "Embed" Ad type. For example you can add a "GoFundMe" embed code that shows total money raised and has an option to donate during your event.

New: Integrations with Resi (Living as One)

We now have a new integration with Resi (Living as One) . You can select "Resi" as an option in the dropdown when choosing your content type. Then enter the Event ID and your stream will be connected to your content page with live chat + ads below.

New: Fathom Analytics

User privacy and protection is a core value for our platform. Each Tribe Social account comes with a Fathom Analytics built in.

  • Weekly or monthly emails sent to you to show you
  • Live Tracking dashboard to show results


  • Added shortcut link to get back to preview website from Dashboard
  • You can now set the order of collections for your home page
  • Access tags are now displayed for users to see

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