Version 0.9.1

Full name
May 31, 2021
1 min read

⭐ New Features

  1. New Fathom Analytics in your dashboard!
  2. New option to schedule publish date/time and expiration date/time for collections

✅ Improvements

  • Ability to upload large files directly to Tribe Social
  • New Support chat option in dashboard for admins
  • New addition of Amazon CloudFront for MUCH faster video streaming

🏥 Fixes

  • If collection is part of a private group HIDE it from the home page and rest of the platform
  • Fix display bugs with ads in content detail screen
  • Hide entire collection if no videos / content present
  • Fixed problems where uploads wouldn't work for zip files or large PDF files
  • Fixes problem with videos not being FULL WIDTH when no chat is present
  • Fixes dashboard UI bug where the dashboard is above and the front end app is below
  • Fixing bug where admins can not create new admin users
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