Version 2.12.0

Full name
Jan 22, 2024
1 min read

⭐ New Features

  1. New Admin features to easily create notifications and alerts for new content posted.
  2. New Content Dashboard — scroll entire group feed and quickly glance / screenshot posts

✅ Improvements

  • Your community feed is now much faster to load and you can scroll to as far down as you want.
  • Added a “what’s on your mind” button to create posts in feed for tablet and desktop users

🏥 Fixes

  • Improved a number of bugs throughout the app

What’s Next?

  1. Searchie integration for Mobile app ~ 2.13
  2. New Content Management dashboard inside app ~ 2.14
  3. Upload video for feed post 2.13
  4. Reply to comment with image / video
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