Introducing Tribe

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Jan 1, 2020
1 min read

Welcome to our first update for Tribe Social!

Why a Blog??

One of the things we believe at Inovo is that every project we release into the world should be sealed with a blog post. This forces us to write up a short announcement post for every project we work on. It also acts as a built-in quality control, making sure that we never call a project "done" until we feel like we can publicly announce it to the world.

The problem was that up until this week, we never had a place to put these updates. But as of Sept 14, we have a website.

What are we building?

History of our Team

Our team has been building custom platforms for clients since 2010. They are costly, hard to maintain and if we're being honest, weren't life changing. We were inspired by how Private Facebook Groups are being leveraged for challenges and annual paid communities, but at the same time disappointed with a lousy user experience. Facebook is built as a social platform but not a great content platform for videos.

We hope you join us in the journey!

We hope you'll enjoy the journey with us as we attempt to build a platform that builds stronger, life-changing online communities.

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